Monday, November 30, 2009

Stealth Wildlife Photography Not Just for Hunters

When the lights go out do you know what your wildlife neighbors are doing?
If you are an outdoor traveler interested in photography, digital stealth cameras (aka camo camera, deer camera) are a neat way to catch the wildlife after dark. Setup your camo-cam on any tree and see who your night visitors are. Working with a motion detector shutter release, these stealth cameras take photos automatically day and night without your participation.

These night spy photos were taken in AZ and digitally edited in my RV using a laptop. This is a good example of why Photography and Laptop computers combine to make one of the best RV hobbies.

Digital wildlife spy cameras are relatively cheap, need no film, operate automatically with ease, weather resistant and most importantly FUN. View your catch on a monitor or download the images to your travel laptop and digitally edit your photos for a perfect photo trophy.

If you are an RVer documenting your travels these digital stealth photos will make a great addition to your RV travel log or scrapbook. For greater success with your camo camera, bait your subjects with water (the all species universal bait). Do not use food as bait as the wildlife will become dependant on humans for food.

Until the next post: Don’t be afraid of the things that go bump in the night; take their portrait!

Happy Jack, AZ

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures, beautiful area,
    Brings back memories of a beautiful trip!
